NEWS ON Wednesday, 16 October 2013

05:26 Kalyan Gupta 0 Comments



Wednesday, 16 October 2013

This Amazing Watch Embedded In A Ring Might Be The Coolest Thing You’ll Ever See!

This Amazing Watch Embedded In A Ring Might Be The Coolest Thing You’ll Ever See!


Have you ever considered wearing your gadgets as your jewelry? Yes, it’s possible now. We introduce you to the futuristic Ring Clock.
Now you can simply wear your watch on your finger. Made from pure surgical stainless steel, this rotatable clock gadget is a wonder of engineering. It can be charged wirelessly and is an impressive energy saver. The concept watch was designed two years ago by Gusztav Szikszai and has been getting lots of attention on social media.
So here is how the gadget works. The ring acts as a static ornament until the dial is rotated. On rotation, the LED displays time for one minute in blue or orange display. Future concepts will be designed to turn rotational kinetic energy into light energy, making the ring clock totally energy efficient.
Gusztav says the inspiration for innovation came from a challenge called Moving Innovation. Gusztav did not like wearing wrist watches but was fond of watches in general. So he decided to come up with the Ring Clock that would couple style with technology.
The clock’s steel body is designed to be allergy free. Battery lasts for 3 years and ring can be charged wirelessly from distances up to 4 cm. The owners are aiming to raise USD 287,000 from crowd funding for large-scale productions of the conceptual model. The plan is to sale a single piece for about USD 200 and an additional USD 15 for shipping outside the UK.
There is something romantic about rings that must never be ignored. The Ring Clock manufacturing team has catered for this romantic side and decided to launch the “Lovers Ring Clock”: a set for USD 400. The clock comes with one year warranty and if the first batch is well received, chances are owners will probably come up with more innovative ideas for time display. No matter how or when it comes out, we think the concept is totally unique and fun! You could wear the watch to a party or a corporate meeting and make an impression on your friends and co-workers. Many people are already looking forward to placing early orders.
Not only is the ring a technological wonder, it is also eye candy. In this era of smartphones, the Ring Clock comes as a pleasant innovation. For watch lovers, the Ring Clock will be the ultimate technological ecstasy. Wear your ring as your watch or your watch as your ring. Awe your friends.


Tuesday, 15 October 2013

A Blueprint for Restoring Touch With a Prosthetic Hand

A Blueprint for Restoring Touch With a Prosthetic Hand

Oct. 14, 2013 — New research at the University of Chicago is laying the groundwork for touch-sensitive prosthetic limbs that one day could convey real-time sensory information to amputees via a direct interface with the brain.

New research at the University of Chicago is laying the groundwork for touch-sensitive prosthetic limbs that one day could convey real-time sensory information to amputees via a direct interface with the brain. (Credit: PNAS, 2013)
The research, published early online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, marks an important step toward new technology that, if implemented successfully, would increase the dexterity and clinical viability of robotic prosthetic limbs.
"To restore sensory motor function of an arm, you not only have to replace the motor signals that the brain sends to the arm to move it around, but you also have to replace the sensory signals that the arm sends back to the brain," said the study's senior author, Sliman Bensmaia, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy at the University of Chicago. "We think the key is to invoke what we know about how the brain of the intact organism processes sensory information, and then try to reproduce these patterns of neural activity through stimulation of the brain."
Bensmaia's research is part of Revolutionizing Prosthetics, a multi-year Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) project that seeks to create a modular, artificial upper limb that will restore natural motor control and sensation in amputees. Managed by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, the project has brought together an interdisciplinary team of experts from academic institutions, government agencies and private companies.
Bensmaia and his colleagues at the University of Chicago are working specifically on the sensory aspects of these limbs. In a series of experiments with monkeys, whose sensory systems closely resemble those of humans, they identified patterns of neural activity that occur during natural object manipulation and then successfully induced these patterns through artificial means.
The first set of experiments focused on contact location, or sensing where the skin has been touched. The animals were trained to identify several patterns of physical contact with their fingers. Researchers then connected electrodes to areas of the brain corresponding to each finger and replaced physical touches with electrical stimuli delivered to the appropriate areas of the brain. The result: The animals responded the same way to artificial stimulation as they did to physical contact.
Next the researchers focused on the sensation of pressure. In this case, they developed an algorithm to generate the appropriate amount of electrical current to elicit a sensation of pressure. Again, the animals' response was the same whether the stimuli were felt through their fingers or through artificial means.
Finally, Bensmaia and his colleagues studied the sensation of contact events. When the hand first touches or releases an object, it produces a burst of activity in the brain. Again, the researchers established that these bursts of brain activity can be mimicked through electrical stimulation.
The result of these experiments is a set of instructions that can be incorporated into a robotic prosthetic arm to provide sensory feedback to the brain through a neural interface. Bensmaia believes such feedback will bring these devices closer to being tested in human clinical trials.
"The algorithms to decipher motor signals have come quite a long way, where you can now control arms with seven degrees of freedom. It's very sophisticated. But I think there's a strong argument to be made that they will not be clinically viable until the sensory feedback is incorporated," Bensmaia said. "When it is, the functionality of these limbs will increase substantially."
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health funded this study. Additional authors include Gregg Tabot, John Dammann, Joshua Berg and Jessica Boback from the University of Chicago; and Francesco Tenore and R. Jacob Vogelstein from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.

Monday, 14 October 2013

The Reality of Free Energy – Here’s The Proof

Multiple Scientists Confirm The Reality of Free Energy – Here’s The Proof
October 11, 2013 by Arjun Walia
Who is benefiting from suppressing scientific research? Whose power and wealth is threatened by access to clean and free energy? Who has the desire to create a system where so few have so much, and so many have so little?
It’s become extremely obvious, especially within the past few years, that Earth’s dependence on fossil fuels is not needed at all. Yet we continue to create war, destroy the environment and harm mother Earth so we can continue using the same old techniques that generate trillions of dollars for those at the top of the energy industry. Corporate media continues to push the idea that we are in an energy crisis, that we are approaching a severe problem due to a lack of resources.  It’s funny how the same group of shareholders that own the energy industry also own corporate media. This seems to be both another fear tactic and another excuse to create conflict. How can there be a lack of resources when we have systems that can provide energy without any external input? This means that these systems could run for infinity and provide energy to the entire planet without burning fossil fuels. This would eliminate a large portion of the ‘bills’ you pay to live, and reduce the harmful effect we are having on Earth and her environment. Even if you don’t believe in the concept of free energy (also known as zero-point energy), we have multiple clean energy sources that render the entire energy industry obsolete. This article however will focus mainly on the concept of free energy which has been proven time and time again by researchers all across the world who have conducted several experiments and published their work multiple times. A portion of this vast amount of research will be presented in this paper.
These concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories all over the world, yet never see the light of day. If the new energy technologies were set free world wide the change would be profound. It would affect everybody, it would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that have happened in the history of the world.   – Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor.
The Research
These concepts are currently being discussed at The Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference.
The Casimir Effect is a proven example of free energy that cannot be debunked. The Casimir Effect illustrates zero point or vacuum state energy, which predicts that two metal plates close together attract each other due to an imbalance in the quantum fluctuations(0)(8). You can see a visual demonstration of this concept here. The implications of this are far reaching and have been written about extensively within theoretical physics by researchers all over the world. Today, we are beginning to see that these concepts are not just theoretical, but instead very practical and simply very suppressed.
Vacuums generally are thought to be voids, but Hendrik Casimir believed these pockets of nothing do indeed contain fluctuations of electromagnetic waves. He suggested that two metal plates held apart in a vacuum could trap the waves, creating vacuum energy that could attract or repel the plates. As the boundaries of a region move, the variation in vacuum energy (zero-point energy) leads to the Casimir effect. Recent research done at Harvard University, and Vrije University in Amsterdam and elsewhere has proved the Casimir effect correct (7).
A paper published in the Journal Foundations of Physics Letters, in August 2001, Volume 14, Issue 4 shows that the principles of general relativity can be used to explain the principles of the motionless electromagnetic generator (MEG)(1). This device takes electromagnetic energy from curved space-time and outputs about twenty times more energy than inputted. The fact that these machines exist is astonishing, it’s even more astonishing that these machines are not implemented worldwide right now. It would completely wipe out the entire energy industry, nobody would have to pay bills and it would eradicate poverty at an exponential rate. This paper demonstrates that electromagnetic energy can be extracted from the vacuum and used to power working devices such as the MEG used in the experiment. The paper goes on to emphasize how these devices are reproducible and repeatable.
The results of this research have been used by numerous scientists all over the world. One of the many examples is a paper written by Theodor C. Loder, III, Professor Emeritus at the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space at the University of New Hampshire. He outlined the importance of these concepts in his paper titled Space and Terrestrial Transportation and Energy Technologies For The 21st Century (2).
There is significant evidence that scientists since Tesla have known about this energy, but that its existence and potential use has been discouraged and indeed suppressed over the past half century or more (2) – Dr. Theodor C. Loder III
Harold E. Puthoff, an American Physicist and Ph.D. from Stanford University, as a researcher at the institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, Texas published a paper in the journal Physical Review A, atomic, molecular and optical physics titled “Gravity as a zero-point-fluctuation force(3)” . His paper proposed a suggestive model in which gravity is not a separately existing fundamental force, but is rather an induced effect associated with zero-point fluctuations of the vacuum, as illustrated by the Casimir force. This is the same professor that had close connections with Department of Defense initiated research in regards to remote viewing. The findings of this research are highly classified, and the program was instantly shut down not longer after its initiation (4).
Another astonishing paper titled “Extracting energy and heat from the vacuum,” by the same researchers, this time in conjunction with Daniel C. Cole, Ph.D. and Associate Professor at Boston University in the Department of Mechanical Engineering was published in the same journal (5).
Relatively recent proposals have been made in the literature for extracting energy and heat from electromagnetic zero-point radiation via the use of the Casimir force. The basic thermodynamics involved in these proposals is analyzed and clarified here, with the conclusion that yes, in principle, these proposals are correct (5).
Furthermore, a paper in the journal Physical Review A, Puthoff  titled “Source of vacuum electromagnetic zero-point energy (6),” Puthoff describes how nature provides us with two alternatives for the origin of electromagnetic zero-point energy. One of them is generation by the quantum fluctuation motion of charged particles that constitute matter. His research shows that particle motion generates the zero-point energy spectrum, in the form of a self-regenerating cosmological feedback cycle.
Before commenting on the article, please read the article, look at the sources and watch the video. Many of your questions can be answered there. We come across many who are quick to comment without examining the information presented. This is a clip from the documentary Thrive, you can view the full documentary by clicking on the title. 
We’ve had major military people at great risks to themselves say yes these things are real. Why do you think the military industrial complex doesn’t want that statement to be made, because you start thinking about what kind of technology is behind that, that’s the bottom line.  – Adam Trombly, Physicist, Inventor
As illustrated multiple times above, the energy these systems use is extracted from the fabric of the space around us. That means it cannot be metered, which creates a threat to the largest industry on the planet, energy. An industry that is partly responsible for the destruction of our planet, and an industry that rakes in hundreds of trillions of dollars every year. No blame is to be given, only a realization is to be made that we have the power to change this anytime we choose. These technologies would completely change everything, but it’s important to remember that operating technology depends on what level of consciousness the operators are operating it at. Is the human race ready for such a transformation? Nothing can work unless the consciousness behind it comes from a place of love, peace, co-operation and understanding. The desire for the benefit of all beings on the planet would be the driving force for the release of these technologies.
These technologies are locked up in black budget projects, it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benifit humanity (2) – Ben Rich, Former Director of Lockheed’s Skunkworks Division
I hope I’ve provided enough information here for those interested in furthering their research on the subject. There is a lot to this technology, and it branches into many other areas from ancient history to sacred geometry and all the way to UFOs. The technology described in this paper is similar to what Dr. O’Leary states here with regards to propulsion systems and an isolated field of energy.  For more on this subject, please visit our exopolitics section under the alternative news tab as it does correlate with the technology of anti-gravity and free energy.
Collective Evolution has covered this topic before. We’ve demonstrated the reality of the Searl Effect Generator.
We’ve also written about the Free Energy Devices.
This article was simply to provide you with more information and research to show you just how applicable these concepts are and the tremendous implications they can have.